Build Instructions


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Windows Instructions

  • Create a build directory in the same directory as the src and documentation directory.
  • Run Cmake and select /src as the source directory, /build as the destination directory.
  • Generate project files for Visual Studio 2010.
  • Open the /build/Glassomium.sln file.
  • Right click on Glassomium project – Select “Set as Startup project”.
  • Build entire solution.
  • If you want to debug and run Glassomium from within Visual Studio, right click on the Glassomium project from Solution Explorer, Properties, Debugging, change Working Directory to “$(ProjectDir)\dist\bin” or else Glassomium will not start.

Linux 32-bit Instructions

Important! Glassomium will currently not run properly on Ubuntu 12.04 (earlier versions are OK instead). See this discussion for more information:!topic/glassomium/PB8SsOrlTTE

  • If you are on a Debian/Ubuntu distro, running /src/dist/ will install some required packages (although some libraries might still need to be installed after this).
  • Create a build directory in the same directory as the src and documentation directory.
  • From the build directory, run cmake ../src
  • Solve any missing library issues.
  • Run make && make install

Linux 64-bit Instructions

Although compilation on 64-bit machine is possible, it hasn't been tested enough to be considered stable. In particular the 64-bit berkelium precompiled library seemed to have some issues that haven't been solved yet. At the current stage we do not recommend building for 64-bit platforms.


While Glassomium has never been tested on OSX, compilation should be possible, but it needs some extra work:

  • Download the OSX binaries for both SFML ( and Berkelium ( and place them in a folder in the /lib folder of Glassomium.
  • Modify the src/CMakeLists.txt file to add support for OSX.
  • If Glassomium compiles but does not properly work at runtime, you might need to rebuild the Berkelium library from sources. This was a necessary step to make Glassomium work on Windows and Linux.