Contributing to the project

We keep a list of people who contributed to the project to recognize the effort of each individual. If you'd like to see your name in the list, read below.

For developers

If you want to help expand our code or fix an issue, having some C++ skills will help you. If you do not know C++, you can still help by creating themes and web content for Glassomium. In that case a good understanding of HTML/CSS/Javascript is required. In any of the two cases, you should know how to do basic operations with git (forking, branching, merging) as this is what the project uses for version control.

To modify or add new code, generally you should fork the master branch, work on your modifications, then make a pull request to the maintainer of the main repository. If you have a feature in mind that you want added, you should post it to the mailing list before diving into coding; other participants might be able to give their feedback about your idea. That way we can also add the feature in the status page.

For users

You don't necessarily need to be a developer to help out with the project. Here are a few things you can do to help out: