Understanding The Page Load Process

In order to guarantee communication with the native layer, Glassomium needs to do a few tricks at each page load.

The JS API, along with the other code specific to each type of window can be injected only after a successful page load. This means that any JS API specific to Glassomium can be called only after a GLALoad event. If you are not calling any Glassomium specific API, you can safely use the traditional document onload event to initialize your application.

You can explore the /server/JS/injectOnLoad.js file to see exactly the code that is injected. Although it's not recommended, you can change this file if you want to add custom code to each Glassomium window.

In this example we will catch the GLALoad event and instruct Glassomium not to allow the window to be resized/rotated.

document.addEventListener('GLALoad', onGLALoad, false);
function onGLALoad(event) {